SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series, created by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg. Much of the series centers on the exploits and adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city "Bikini Bottom." The series' popularity has prompted the release of a media franchise, contributing to its position as Nickelodeon's highest rated show, the most distributed property of MTV Networks, and among Nicktoons' most-watched shows.
SpongeBob SquarePants is an extremely energetic and optimistic sea sponge (although his appearance more closely resembles a kitchen sponge) who lives in a pineapple under the sea with his pet snail Gary.
His friends are Patrick Star, his bestfriend,
---Squidward Tentacles- an arrogant squid and dislikes his neighbors (especially SpongeBob) for their child-like behavior. He enjoys playing the clarinet and painting self-portraits.
---Sandy Cheeks, a red squirrel from Texas, who was sent to Bikini Bottom to do scientific research for her chimpanzee bosses. Sandy is an expert at karate and lives in an underwater tree dome.
---Eugene Krabs, a miserly crab obsessed with money, who is the owner of the Krusty Krab restaurant.
---oooh how I love the spongebob family, I wont get bored always watching spongebob all over again. . Love you! Although spongebob is a stupid spongebob still he is a soft hearted sponge thats why I love this stupid sponge. . (^_^)!
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